Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014
Perception About Marketing Management of Apmc in Gulbarga Division
Dr. Sangappa Rampure
Abstract :
India is such a vast country which derives fifty percent of its national income from agriculture. The marketing methods in agricultural produce different from country to country, state to state and also within state.This gives considerable scope for the study of marketing of agricultural produce in the various states of the country. Agricultural, marketing practices need to be uniform in the interest of developing wider markets for better prices.In keeping with very little of the research the survey is conducted to supplement the evaluation through the primary data. These attempts ing out the basic problems and difficulties, if any in the implementation of the APMCs, Act through state agricultural marketing board. Different types of schedules are used for evaluating the working of the APMC act. The main focus of the study was evaluation of management of agricultural produce marketing committees in Karnataka from the point of farmers therefore, our survey schedule covers the background of farmers and market functionaries such as age, education, religion, family background, source of incomes, land holdings of both farmers and market participant were collected. Some of these aspects have been discussed in the article.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.Sangappa Rampure Perception About Marketing Management of Apmc in Gulbarga Division International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014
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Dr.Sangappa Rampure Perception About Marketing Management of Apmc in Gulbarga Division International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014
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