Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013
Physioco–Chemical Status of Kundalika River at Roha Taluka Dist. Raigad Maharashtra
V. R. Jadhavar, I. B. Ghorade, R. G. Machale, S. S Patil
Abstract :
Pollution of water bodies is one of the areas of major concern to environmentalists. Water quality is an index of health and well being of a society. Industrialization, urbanization and modern agriculture practices have direct impact on the water resources. These factors influence the water resources quantitatively and qualitatively. The present study has been carried out at Kundalika River in industrial area of Roha-Taluka dist -Raigad [M.S.]. This area is spread around 6-10km throughout. The physico-chemical parameters like Temperature, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solid, Total Hardness and Dissolved Oxygen were studied to ascertain the drinking water quality
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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V. R. Jadhavar, I. B. Ghorade, R.G. Machale, S. S Patil Physioco-Chemical Status of Kundalika River at Roha Taluka Dist. Raigad Maharashtra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013
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V. R. Jadhavar, I. B. Ghorade, R.G. Machale, S. S Patil Physioco-Chemical Status of Kundalika River at Roha Taluka Dist. Raigad Maharashtra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013
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