Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015
Planning Commission Initiative for Woman Empowerment in India
Prof. D. K. Parmar, Prof. M. M. Kachhiya, Prof. M. J. Zala
Abstract :
“ A Candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. ” – Swami Vivekanda.” In most of the developing countries today, more and more emphasis is laid on the need for development of women and their active participation in the main stream of development process. It is also widely recognized that apart from managing household, beå children, rural women ing income with productive activities ranging from traditional work in the fields to working‘ in factories or running small and petty businesses. They have also proven that they can be better entrepreneurs and development managers in any kind of human development activities. Therefore, it is important and utmost necessary to make rural women empowered in taking decisions to enable them to be in the central part of any human development process. The Empowerment of Women also considered as an active process enabling women to realize their full identity and power in all spheres of life. Empowerment of women is a socio–political ideal, encompassing notions of dignity and equality, envisioned in relation to the wider framework of women‘s rights. It is a process of gaining control over self, over resources and over existing societal perceptions and attitudes and would be achieved only when an improvement in the ‘condition’ of women is accompanied by an advancement in their ’position’ by enlarging the economic, social and political freedoms and choices available to them. In this regard the planning commission initiative through different five years plan for women empowerment are iefed discuses in this paper.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Prof. D.K.Parmar, Prof. M.M.Kachhiya, Prof.M.J.Zala Planning Commission Initiative for Woman Empowerment in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015
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Prof. D.K.Parmar, Prof. M.M.Kachhiya, Prof.M.J.Zala Planning Commission Initiative for Woman Empowerment in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015
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