Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Practicing the curriculum : A Case Study from Kerala

Dr. Mariya T Cheeran

Abstract :

Rajagiri Family Counseling Centre (FCC) works to strengthen the social faic of the locality by preventing families from eaking up and promoting harmony in the family, is initiated and operated by the Department of Social Work, Rajagiri college of Social Sciences, Ernakulum, Kerala. Many thousands of people are benefitting from this cell every year. The author was the coordinator of this departmental activity. This paper explains the operations and objectives of Family Counseling Centre. This paper may act as baseline document for similar initiatives across globe, especially in developing and undeveloped countries.

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Dr. Mariya T Cheeran Practicing The Curriculum : A Case Study From Kerala International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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