Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014
Soumya Ramakrishnan, Rajalaxmi Kamath, Yogesh Bangera, Tanya Susana
Abstract :
Background : Oligohydramnios is decreased amount of amniotic fluid affecting3-5% of all pregnancies.Pregnancieswitholigohydramnios are associated with increased risk of maternal & fetal morbidity. Early detection of oligohydramnios and its management may help in reduction of perinatal morbidity and mortality and maternal complications.
Objective : To study the maternal&fetal outcome in pregnancies complicated by oligohydramnios .
Material& Methods : A retrospective hospital based study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics&gynecology of Yenepoya Medical College; a tertiary health care referral centre in Mangalore, Karnataka over a period of 2 years from Feuary 2012 to Feuary 2014.Statistical analysis was not used since it is a descriptive study.
Results : Out of the 50 patients subjected to this study, majority of the patients were
multigravidas belonging to the age group 20- 30 years. The incidence of hypertension in preganacy, postdatism, IUGR, fetal anomalies were 24%, 20%, 28% & 10% respectively; Idiopathic oligohydramnios being 14%.14% had spontaneous vaginal delivery, 18% delivered vaginally after induction, 42% had emergency caesarean section& 26% had elective caesarean section.The incidence of fetal distress was 36%& 1 min APGAR of <7 was 46% (n=23).
Conclusion : The conclusion from this study is that oligohydramnios is a high risk
factor in pregnancy & requires proper antepartum care, intensive fetal surveillance and
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Soumya Ramakrishnan, Rajalaxmi Kamath, Yogesh Bangera, Tanya Susana PRENANCY OUTCOME IN OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS-A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014
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Soumya Ramakrishnan, Rajalaxmi Kamath, Yogesh Bangera, Tanya Susana PRENANCY OUTCOME IN OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS-A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014
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