Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017
Preparedness and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control based on a Knowledge and Awareness study done among MBBS Interns in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital.
Dr. Jayati Bahuguna, Dr. Jagiri Narotham Rao, Dr. Nilakantam Sathish Raju
Abstract :
Introduction: The outeaks of Dengue fever in India has been a major concern ,many states have been affected, it is very essential to know more about this disease and the knowledge and awareness about severity of the disease pattern, early detection of the virus and early management of the disease among Doctors to aid better results in patient recovery. Aim and Objective: The objective of this study is to create preparedness and strengthen the communication for Dengue Fever prevention and control in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital based on a knowledge and awareness study among MBBS Interns. Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among MBBS Interns of tertiary care teaching hospital during August to October 2016. A pre–structured & self–administered questionnaire was used to collect data regarding dengue fever preparedness, clinical knowledge, awareness & communication from MBBS Interns. The Questionnaire was distributed to 120 Interns respectively out of which 90 Interns responded. Results & Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of Interns had good knowledge about Signs and symptoms (75.5%), modes of Transmission of Dengue (74.28%), Diagnosis (63.4%) and Treatment (71.4%) aspect of Dengue Fever . Approximately 78% Interns were aware of the serious Life threatening complications of Dengue Fever and 96.6% knew the preventive measures to avoid spread of Dengue Fever.
Keywords :
Dengue fever Interns Clinical knowledge Preparedness Communication Awareness. ________________________________________
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Jayati Bahuguna, Dr. Jagiri Narotham Rao, Dr. Nilakantam Sathish Raju, Preparedness and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control based on a Knowledge and Awareness study done among MBBS Interns in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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References :
Dr. Jayati Bahuguna, Dr. Jagiri Narotham Rao, Dr. Nilakantam Sathish Raju, Preparedness and Communication for Dengue Fever Prevention and Control based on a Knowledge and Awareness study done among MBBS Interns in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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