Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015
Prevalence of Duck Sauce Syndrome among Students of a Private Medical University in Mangalore, DK District
Dr. S. Preethi, Dr. Abhay S Nirgude, Ms. Soumya Shetty
Abstract :
Introduction: Emerging trend of Indo–Chinese food could be bane. Chinese restaurant syndrome (CRS) was coined by Dr. Kwok in the year 1968. He noticed symptom complex after ingestion of Chinese meal added with Monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is also called as Duck Sauce Syndrome (DSS) as MSG was first used in sauce provided with duck roast. This syndrome is characterised by triad of symptoms ( facial pressure, chest pain, and burning sensation/ flushing). Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of Duck Sauce syndrome and to assess the factors associated. Methodology: A cross–sectional study using simple random sampling was conducted among 146 university students. The data was collected using a selfstructured validated questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS16. Results: The prevalence of DSS was 34.9%. Those having schwarmma recipe (with MSG) more frequently had 100% chances of getting DSS and found statistically significant (p
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.S.Preethi, Dr.Abhay S Nirgude, Ms.Soumya Shetty Prevalence of Duck Sauce Syndrome among Students of a Private Medical University in Mangalore, DK District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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Dr.S.Preethi, Dr.Abhay S Nirgude, Ms.Soumya Shetty Prevalence of Duck Sauce Syndrome among Students of a Private Medical University in Mangalore, DK District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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