Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Yogeswari A, Anandhi D, Heber Anandan, Bavaanni Preetti P

Abstract :

<p><p> Aim: To study the prevalence of glaucoma in patients aged 40 years of age and above and analyze the risk factors and associations for the same. Methodology: This is a randomized observational study conducted in outpatient department (OPD) of tertiary care hospital. Results: The prevalence of glaucoma was 13.27 % (13 out of 98), 6 had primary open angle glaucoma, 1 patient had angle closure glaucoma and 6 patients had secondary glaucoma. 8 were known cases of glaucoma and 5 patients were newly diagnosed. Increased prevalence of glaucoma with increasing age was observed (5 times more in age > 60 years). No association with sex, diabetes, hypertension and myopia was found. We also noted the increased risk of hypertensives developing ocular hypertension than the normal population. Conclusion: Patients above 40 years of age have increased prevalence of glaucoma. Hypertensives are found to have increased risk of developing glaucoma.</p></p>

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Yogeswari A, Anandhi A, Heber Anandan, Bavaanni Preethi P Prevalence of Glaucoma in Patients Above 40 Years of Age International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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