Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Prevalence of Intestinal parasitic infections in rural Northern Lucknow A prospective study

Mukesh Kumar Singh, Mohdshahid Khan, Shivendra Dutt, Mahak Jain

Abstract :

 Study of the prevalence of parasitic infection is essential to procure an accurate understanding of burden of intestinal parasitic infection in particular geographical landscape. Objective: The objective of the present study was to dictate the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among all age group of patients attending the hospital. Material and methods: A total of 720 stool samples of patients between the age group 0 to 60 years were collected between the period of August 2015– January 2016.Naked eye examination and microscopic examination using saline and Lugol‘s iodine preparation was done to study the stool sample. Result: A total of 720 samples was taken and examined out of which 135 were positive either for protozoal or helminthic infection with a prevalence rate of 18.7%.Cyst and trophozoites of protozoa were found in 26(19.25%) while eggs of helminthes were found in 109(80.7%) of positive samples. Conclusion: Prevalence rate was found to be high in our study which is suggestive of decreased sanitation, awareness, personal hygiene, safe drinking water supply and health education.

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Mukesh Kumar Singh, MohdShahid Khan, Shivendra Dutt, Mahak jain Prevalence of Intestinal parasitic infections in rural Northern Lucknow A prospective study International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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