Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Pulmonary Aspergilloma with No Previous History of Chronic Lung Disease: An Interesting Case Report

Amudha Vp, Sucilathangam G, Velvizhi G

Abstract :

Pulmonary aspergilloma is one of the forms of aspergillosis that occurs commonly due to the saprophytic colonization of the fungus in damaged lung cavities. The most common causative agent is Aspergillus fumigatus. Though the definitive diagnosis can be established by Histopathological demonstration in resected specimen and culture of the tissue, but the diagnosis also can be done based on radiological examination. Patients with aspergilloma should undergo surgical treatment, because there is a risk of sudden life threatening hemoptysis and because there is no effective alternate medical therapy. We report a case of aspergilloma in a 37 year old woman with no past history of tuberculosis presented with the complaint of cough and hemoptysis for two months. She was subsequently diagnosed as a case of pulmonary aspergilloma on the basis of evidence of radiological findings and sputum examination and culture. Sputum examination was negative for acid fast bacilli and culture yielded Aspergillus fumigatus from three sputum samples and treated with left upper lobectomy.

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Amudha VP, Sucilathangam G, Velvizhi G Pulmonary Aspergilloma with No Previous History of Chronic Lung Disease: An Interesting Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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