Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016
Radiological Evaluation of Primary Bone Tumours & Correlation with FNAC & Biopsy at a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr Ramesh Parate, Dr Tilottama Parate, Dr Shashikant Mane, Dr Nilesh Agrawal
Abstract :
Background– The relevance & appropriateness of radiological & pathological tests in the diagnosis of bone tumours has always been a question not adequately answered. Objective– to study radiological features of primary bone tumours and to correlate lesions with Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) & Core Needle Biopsy (CNB). Methodology– 100 Eligible patients were studied with radiological evaluation with FNAC & CNB during a period of 13 months at a tertiary care centre. Observations– Radiological evaluation had diagnostic accuracy of 81%, FNAC– 86.3% and CNB was found to be having 96.9% diagnostic accuracy for the final diagnosis of primary bone tumours. Conclusion– Radiological investigations are fairly accurate modalities for evaluation of primary bone tumours, and, with combined use of FNAC and/or CNB, are recommended for early diagnosis and subsequent typing/staging of the bone lesions.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Ramesh Parate, Dr Tilottama Parate, Dr Shashikant Mane, Dr Nilesh Agrawal Radiological Evaluation of Primary Bone Tumours & Correlation with FNAC & Biopsy at a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue :
5 MAY 2016
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Dr Ramesh Parate, Dr Tilottama Parate, Dr Shashikant Mane, Dr Nilesh Agrawal Radiological Evaluation of Primary Bone Tumours & Correlation with FNAC & Biopsy at a Tertiary Care Centre International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016
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