Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
Deepak Shivpuri, Sandeep Kumar Dugaya, Surendra Vyas, Smita Sood, Madhawi Sharma,
Abstract :
This was a cross sectional study to estimate the prevalence of Group A Streptococcal (GAS) infection among children with acute sore throat and to compare results of Rapid antigen detection test (RADT) with throat culture.Children aged 3–15 years who presented with acute sore throat (throat pain ± redness of pharynx, palate, tonsils), whose parents were willing to participate in the study by giving a written consent were included. Twosterile throat swabs were taken by vigorously rubbing the tonsils or posterior pharyngeal wall, one for RADT (cerTEST Strep A card test) and 2nd for bacterial culture. The samples were sent to the in–hospital NABL certified laboratory (SRL Ltd). The results of RADT were obtained within 15 minutes while the culture report was available after 72 hours. During the 7 months study period we took 90 throat samples from 86 children. Of these 26 were RADT positive and 22 were culture positive. The prevalence of GAS by RADT was 28.88% and by culture was 25.56%. The sensitivity and specificity of RADT was 95.65% and 94.02 % respectively. Since the RADT had high sensitivity and specificity and the results were available within 15 minutes, the need for throat swab culture (with additional cost and delay in results) could be avoided. Appropriate antibiotic may be started on the basis of RADT. If RADT is negative culture should be sent.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Deepak Shivpuri, Sandeep kumar Dugaya, Surendra Vyas, Smita Sood, Madhawi Sharma, , RAPID ANTIGEN TESTING FOR STREP SORE THROAT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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Deepak Shivpuri, Sandeep kumar Dugaya, Surendra Vyas, Smita Sood, Madhawi Sharma, , RAPID ANTIGEN TESTING FOR STREP SORE THROAT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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