Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Result of Mippo in Bicondylar Tibia Fracture

Dr. Sunny Kamat

Abstract :

This study was done with the help of 40 patients of bicondylar tibia fracture which were admitted and treated in our institute over a period of September 2009 to July 2011. Our study was based on result of bicondylar tibia fracture treated with minimally invasive percutenous plate osteosynthesis. This fracture is common in age group of 41 - 50 with the mean age of 41 years of age. All patients were evaluated using Rasmussen scoring system. Results and which were obtained were encouraging. About 23 patient showed excellent result and 15 patients showed good result where as only 2 patient showed fair result

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Dr. Sunny Kamat Result of Mippo in Bicondylar Tibia Fracture International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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