Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Retrospective study of clinical profile and management of liver trauma in tertiary care hospital.

Dr. Ravindra M Kattimani

Abstract :

 Background: Road traffic accidents as well as blunt trauma have become the major cause of death and disability in young population. The morbidity and mortality associated with liver trauma is still high.

Methodology: The Retrospective study of cases records was conducted in Department of General Surgery, LTMMC, Mumbai between January 1997 to May 1998. All 60 cases of liver injuries following truma were considered as diagnosed by operative findings, ultra sonography or CT scan findings, post mortem findings. All patients were examined carefully and their findings noted.  All cases of penetrating injuries with peritoneal each underwent emergency exploratory laporotomy.  Clinically Stable patients were evaluated further. The patients, who underwent laporotomy, abdomen was opened by midline incision and appropriate surgical intervention was done. All patients were monitored in trauma unit till they get stabilised.

Results: Total 60 cases admitted, 54 (90%) were males and 6(10%) were females. 46 (76.7%) cases were presented with abdominal blunt trauma which was the frequent cause of hepatic injury. 26 (43.3%) cases had grade II liver injury and17 (28.3%) patients had grade I liver injury. 16 patients were managed with conservative treatment and 43 patients were managed by various surgical procedures.

Conclusion: It is concluded that road traffic accident is most common cause of blunt abdominal trauma and liver is the most commonly affected organ and 73% cases had associated injuries. 26 % cases were successfully treated conservatively and 43 patients underwent laporotomy.

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Dr. Ravindra M Kattimani, Retrospective study of clinical profile and management of liver trauma in tertiary care hospital., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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