Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Role and constraints of women in dairying Growth towards women empowerment

M. Deepa Narayana, Sivvala Radhika, Dr. B. Jamuna Rani

Abstract :

Women contribute to 50-60 percent of agricultural labour in India. They play a crucial role in animal husbandry but often goes invisible. The present study was taken up to ascertain certain roles, constraints in performing those roles in dairying faced by rural women using pretested interview schedule and personal interviews with rural women in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Total sample comprises of 120 from Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh. The paper discuss the role and constraints of women in diary industry

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M. Deepa Narayana,Sivvala Radhika,Dr. B. Jamuna Rani Role and constraints of women in dairying Growth towards women empowerment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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