Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Role Of Emotional Intelligence On Conflict Management– Pre Service Teachers Perspective

N. Sasikumar, Dr M. P. Fathima, M. P. Roja

Abstract :

Emotional intelligence is a learned ability to identify, understand, experience, and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways. Emotional experience and expression are unique to each teacher and student. Conflict is defined as an incompatibility of goals or values between two or more parties in a relationship, combined with attempts to control each other and antagonistic feelings toward each other. It is also important to help students to know how their emotional intelligence works to help or hinder their conflict. The development of emotional intelligence is an intentional, active, and engaging process. The role and importance of Emotional intelligence gets a vital role in conflict management. To achieve the high goals and expectation of education in the 21st century, we should develop Emotional intelligence skills in teacher education programs

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N.Sasikumar, Dr M. P. Fathima, M.P.Roja Role Of Emotional Intelligence On Conflict Management- Pre Service Teachers Perspective International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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