Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
Role of Povidone-Iodine as an effective and safe agent in chemical pleurodesis.
Dr Harshil Pandya, Dr Mayank Kapur
Abstract :
Setting: Department of Respiratory Medicine, Geetanjali medical college and hospital, Udaipur
Aim: The study the efficacy and safety of povidone iodine in chemical pleurodesis
Methodology: A mixture of 20 ml of 10% povidone–iodine + 10 ml of 2% lignocaine + 70 ml of Normal saline was inserted through intercostal
drainage tube.
Results: Total of 68 patients were taken into the study. Out of all, forty nine patients (72%) achieved confirmed complete response to treatment
while nine patients (13.2%) achieved partial response. Failure of treatment was seen in ten (14.7%) patients. The overall success rate was 85.2%.
Conclusions: Pleurodesis with povidone iodine is a safe and effective method which can be used for chemical pleurodesis.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Harshil Pandya, Dr Mayank Kapur, Role of Povidone-Iodine as an effective and safe agent in chemical pleurodesis., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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References :
Dr Harshil Pandya, Dr Mayank Kapur, Role of Povidone-Iodine as an effective and safe agent in chemical pleurodesis., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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