Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015
Dr Premalatha D. E, Dr Prakash N
Abstract :
Background : Brucellosis is a chronic, contagious and zoonotic disease. It is usually difficult to diagnose clinically in the absence of specific clinical features. Hence serological testing forms the mainstay of diagnosing the disease. Aim: The present study was done to know the seroprevalence of Brucellosis in Shimoga (Karnataka) and to compare Rose Bengal plate test with Standard tube agglutination test. Materials and Methods: Eight hundred and forty blood samples received at Microbiology Department for various serological tests were used for the study. Serum was separated from samples and Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and Standard tube agglutination test (STAT) were done. Results: The overall seroprevalence of ucellosis in the study was 1.4%. In positive cases majority were males (66.6%) compared to females (33.3%). 20–40 years age group were more affected (1.7%). Shepherds had the highest prevalence rate (5.5%), followed by farmers (3.3%). When compared with STAT, RBPT showed sensitivity specificity of 100%. Conclusion: Prevalence of ucellosis in Shimoga was not found to be significant. Shepherds and farmers were found to be largely affected. RBPT is highly reliable and has a close relation with STAT in the diagnosis of human ucellosis.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Premalatha D.E, Dr Prakash N SEROPREVALENCE OF BRUCELLOSIS IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN SHIMOGA, KARNATAKA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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Dr Premalatha D.E, Dr Prakash N SEROPREVALENCE OF BRUCELLOSIS IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN SHIMOGA, KARNATAKA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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