Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012

Structured Finance: Some Issues

Dr. Rajkumar B. Salgar

Abstract :

This article reviews the principal features of structured finance instruments. It is argued that structured finance ratings, though useful, have intrinsic limitations in fully gauging the risk of these products, even as their complexity creates incentives to rely more heavily on ratings than for other rated securities. Market participants and public authorities need to take account of this in their assessments of structured finance instruments and their markets. The paper seeks to investigate the use and role of securitisation as main structured finance tool, and to assess the legal pitfalls, if any, that underlie the arrangement of this financing technique. This is done firstly by looking at the legal development of securitisation and at the regulatory incentives that have more recently shaped the originate and distribute mode. This study not only help the management, it also gives a clear -view to the owners, share holders, creditors and investors about structured finance

Keywords :

Instrument   framework   finance   risk     

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Rajkumar B.Salgar Structured Finance: Some Issues International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012

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