Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012
Studies On The Removal Of Metal Ions Using Resins Blended With Mimosa Pudica Sulphonated Carbon
Dr. R. Sayeekannan, K. Kavitha, M. Ilayaraja, S. Siva
Abstract :
This paper deals with the study of Sulphonated Carbon derived from plant viz., Mimosa pudica (Thottaccurungi – stem) (MP) has been prepared and blended with Phenol – Formaldehyde Cation Exchanger (PFCE) by varying the percentage of blending (w/w) and Physico–chemical parameters like, density, gravimetric swelling (%), attritional eaking (%) and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of various metal ions have been determined. For a given metal ion, CEC decreases with the increase in percentage of blending MP with PFCE. The blending of PFCE upto 30% (w/w) of MP retains almost all the essential physico–chemical characteristics including CEC, as compared to that of the PFCE. It is concluded that the sulphonated Mimosa pudica Carbon (SMPC) could be used as blending material in the PFCE to lower the cost of the ion–exchange resin for water and wastewater treatment, especially for the removal of hardness in particles.
Keywords :
Synthesis Cationic exchangers Sulphonated Mimosa pudica Carbon Cation Exchange Capacity Composite resin.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.R.Sayeekannan, K.kavitha, M.ilayaraja, S.siva Studies On The Removal Of Metal Ions Using Resins Blended With Mimosa Pudica Sulphonated Carbon International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012
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Dr.R.Sayeekannan, K.kavitha, M.ilayaraja, S.siva Studies On The Removal Of Metal Ions Using Resins Blended With Mimosa Pudica Sulphonated Carbon International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012
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