Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012

Study of 100 Cases of Cerebrovascular Accidents and Correlation with Clinical Scoring System and Radio Imaging

Dr. Hiren Bhalani, Dr. Manish Parmar, Dr. Paltial Palat

Abstract :

AIM: To find out prevalence of stroke due to various aetiology and correlation of Siriraj score with scan findings and outcome in cases of stroke patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective study consisting of 100 patients of CVA admitted in our tertiary care centre, we obtained detailed history, clinical examination, routine investigation and CAT scan and we compared the results with CAT scan reports and siriraj scoring system. RESULTS: Prevalence of CVA more in males, Hypertension being most common risk factor, headache, high Diastolic BP act as predictor of haemorrhage. CONCLUSION: In this study there was no correlation between siriraj score and clinical outcome of patients and patients diagnosed as haemorrhagic stroke have poor outcome

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Dr. Hiren Bhalani, Dr. Manish Parmar, Dr. Paltial Palat Study of 100 Cases of Cerebrovascular Accidents and Correlation with Clinical Scoring System and Radio Imaging International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012

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