Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Study of Abdominal wall endometriosis in a tertiary care centre–a retrospective study

Dr Shashikala H Gowda, Dr Ramya Madireddy, Dr Sowmya K

Abstract :

Endometriosis , though a common benign gynaecological condition, may sometimes present as a lump in the abdomen and can pose a diagnostic dilemma. Abdominal wall endometriosis mostly follows obstetrical and gynaecological surgeries. It is more common in the abdominal skin and subcutaneous tissue compared to muscle and fascia. Endometriosis involving only the rectus muscle and sheath is very rare. It can occur with varied severity, sometimes severe enough to necessitate the excision of a part or entire rectus muscle and sheath, thereby requiring mesh repair of the abdominal wall. Owing to the increased rise in caesarean delivery rate, rise in scar endometriosis might be anticipated, which calls for a gynaecologist to be well versed with this rare condition.

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Dr Shashikala H Gowda, Dr Ramya Madireddy, Dr Sowmya K Study of Abdominal wall endometriosis in a tertiary care centre – a retrospective study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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