Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Study of Perceived Stress and Emotional Intelligence amongst Undergraduate Students of Medical Profession

Dr. Radhe B. K. , Dr. Amrut Swami

Abstract :

With increasing competition and the changing definitions of success people have lost their basic desire to be happy. The emotional component is being lost day by day and medical profession is not an exception. The emotional intelligence also can be measured like normal intelligence. The stress levels can also be measured by perceived stress.The aim of the present survey was to gain some understanding of stress and an evaluation of the role that emotional intelligence (EI) plays in the experience of perceived stress (PS) in the students of third year M.B.B.S. Questionnaires were distributed to all the students of third minor M.B.B.S., there were 92 complete responses amongst all 100 students. The mean age of students in our study was found to be 21 yrs, 43(46.73%) were male and 49(53.27%) were female.Majority were from urban area 79(86%). Higher stress level were seen in52(56.52%) students who had perceived stress score more than 20. Of the 49 females, 34(70%) had higher stress levels and of the 43 males 30 (69%) were found to have higher stress score. The emotional intelligence score ranges from 79 to 136 for females. And among males it is 79 to 153.

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Dr. Radhe B. K., Dr. Amrut Swami, Study of Perceived Stress and Emotional Intelligence amongst Undergraduate Students of Medical Profession, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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