Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Study of pollution level in Yamuna River due to untreated Delhi Drains

Suruchi, Sonia Ratnani, Shriniwas Gurjar, Manish

Abstract :

 The aim of this study is to reveal the status of pollution in terms of physico chemical parameters of the water of  river Yamuna in Delhi due to untreated drains. The work analyses the effect of the two polluted drains namely Najafgarh and Wazirabad on the water quality of River Yamuna. The study incorporates the measurement of physico chemical parameters of these  drains vis a vis water quality downstream of Wazirabad as these drains contributes 58% of the load pollution of the river Yamuna. Six sites  including these two drains were chosen along the 22 km stretch of yamuna for assessing the water quality parameters such as pH, conductivity, TDS (Total Dissolved Salts), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and levels of ammonia. Amongst all the locations, Najafgarh drain proved  to be the highest contributor of the pollutant as evident from the increased value of pH, TDS and other parameters. Hence the water at these  sites without prior necessary treatment cannot be put to use for domestic, irrigation or any other purposes.

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Suruchi, Sonia Ratnani, Shriniwas Gurjar, Manish Study of pollution level in Yamuna River due to untreated Delhi Drains International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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