Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Study of Prevalence of Depression in Adolescent Girls Studyind in a School at Rudrapur

Dr Rohit Kant Srivastava

Abstract :

Depression is very common among adolescents and it causes lot of impairment. It affects school performance as such children have impaired attention and concentration. This adolescent period is very crucial for academic, social and personal development so it is very important to detect depression which is mostly ignored. This present study was done in adolescent girls studying in a school and it showed that depression is highly prevalent. 17.85% of adolescent girls studying in class 7th to 10th scored more than 12 on BDI(beck depression inventory), which clearly indicating that this problem should be seriously addressed. We should have provision of regular psychiatrist or psychologist visit to school so that this disorder should be diagnosed and such adolescents should be helped.

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DR ROHIT KANT SRIVASTAVA Study of Prevalence of Depression in Adolescent Girls Studyind in a School at Rudrapur International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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