Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017
Study of sciatic nerve and it’s variations in human cadavers
Dr. M. S. Supare, Dr. P. R. Wadekar, Dr. N. F. Gathe, Dr. S. V. Pandit
Abstract :
Introduction: Sciatic nerve (SN) is the longest and widest single nerve with root value of L4 to S3 and consisting of two components namely the tibial and common peroneal. Variations in the level of division of SN as well as relationship between SN to piriformis are not uncommon phenomena. Hence, this study is planned to study sciatic nerve and its variations in human cadavers. Material and Methods: This is an observational descriptive study. Sixty lower limb specimens from 30 formalin fixed human cadavers were enrolled in the study. Gluteal regions and the posterior aspect of thigh on both sides are dissected to expose the SN. Variations in the SN and their relationship to piriformis muscle are observed. Result: In 15% of specimens SN variations are found and out of them 11.67% are related to Piriformis. Of the 30 cadavers studied, 5 cadavers (16.66%) showed variations in the SN and out of 5, four cadavers (13.33%) showed bilateral variations. According to Beaton and Anson’s classification of relation of SN variation to piriformis muscle, 83.33% (53) belongs to type I, 5% (3) to type II and 6.67% (4) to type III category. High division of SN found in 3.33% (2) of specimens. Conclusion: In 15% of specimens SN variations are found and out of them 11.67% are related to piriformis. According to Beaton and Anson’s classification, 88.33% of type 1, 5% of type 2 and 6.67% of type 3 variations in relation to piriformis muscle were found. Anatomical knowledge about variations in the level of division of the SN and the location where SN leaves the pelvis is of great importance to clinician.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. M. S. Supare, Dr.P.R.wadekar, Dr. N. F. Gathe, Dr. S. V. Pandit, Study of sciatic nerve and it¥s variations in human cadavers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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Dr. M. S. Supare, Dr.P.R.wadekar, Dr. N. F. Gathe, Dr. S. V. Pandit, Study of sciatic nerve and it¥s variations in human cadavers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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