Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012
Study of TIMI–II Prognostic Criteria in Stemi
Dr. Vatsal Mehta, Dr. Ravi Bhadania
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE:- To evaluate the clinical evolution of patient with acute MI, According to risk stratification by the TIMI score and evaluate the prognostic value. MATERIALS AND METHODS:- study consisted of 200 patients of MI terated in ICCU of tertiary care unit(Tcu). Acute MI was documented by 1)detailed history 2)physical examination 3) laboratory investigations(cardiac enzymes) 4)14 leads ECG including RV leads. All patients of STEMI were thrombolised with streptokinase I.V. therapy excluding the contraindications. We calculated and evaluated TIMI score for predicting 30 day mortality at time of presentation of fiinolytic eligible patients with STEMI and 30 days mortality data was recorded. Primary end point of study was death due to any cause within 30 days. Result:- Out of 200 patients 72.50% were male. 27.50% were female ,maximum 50.5% being in 51-70years age group. Common modifiable risk factors were smoking, DM and hypertension.According to TIMI risk score, 22.5% of the patients were in low risk group, 34% of the patients were in medium risk group and 43.5% of patients were in high risk group. Out of them, mortality was seen maximum in high risk group (24.13%). Conclusion: TIMI risk score for STEMI may be readily applied at bed side at the time of presentation and captures mortality of prognostic information offered by full logistic regression model. Mortality increased proportionally with TIMI score
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Vatsal Mehta, Dr. Ravi Bhadania Study of TIMI-II Prognostic Criteria in Stemi International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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Dr. Vatsal Mehta, Dr. Ravi Bhadania Study of TIMI-II Prognostic Criteria in Stemi International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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