Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Symptomatology of helminthic infestations in children

Dr Prakash S. S, Dr Kavita G. U. , Dr Shashikala P.

Abstract :

Helminthic infections in children are widely prevalent and a major cause of disease burden in many developing countries especially in the tropical and subtropical regions. This study seeks to review the trends in symptomatology of children suffering from helminthiasis. 282 children whose stool sample showed presence of helminthic ova were taken for study. The symptomatology in these children was analysed. These children were found to present with one or more symptoms like history of passing worms in stools, diarrhea, pain abdomen, loss of appetite, pica etc. Helminthiasis though a very common condition, is often missed by the clinician as the symptomatology that the child presents with is varied. Hence a high degree of suspicion is essential for the early recognition of the symptoms of the disease, its treatment and control

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Dr Prakash S.S, Dr Kavita G.U., Dr Shashikala P. Symptomatology of helminthic infestations in children International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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