Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Synthesis Of Nano Bismuth Ferrite Multiferroics By Microcontroller Based Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Prof. Ramani, Radhakrishna, Dr. Angadi, Dr. Devaraju

Abstract :

Microcontroller based thermogravimetric analyzer (MTGA) is an home built technique used to study the thermal decomposition of inorganic solids, chemical properties of intermediate and final products, synthetic conditions and synthesis of nanomaterials. The MTGA has additional features like controlled gas delivery system suitable for synthesis of nanomaterials in various gas atmospheres. This paper reports characterization of nano bismuth ferrite–BifeO3 (BFO) synthesized by MTGA. The MTGA system has been caliated for BFO precursors. The variation in mass of redox mixture (metal nitrates and gylcene) with respect to temperature (thermogram) reveal the ideal conditions for the preparation of nano BFO by different techniques. It was found that structural and electrical results of BiFeO3 synthesized by MTGA are in good agreement with that prepared by other techniques like solution combustion method, sol–gel method, Pechini method, sonochemical method, hydrothermal method etc. The microcontroller based thermogravimetric analyser is one of the good techniques for the preparation of nanomaterials in different gas atmaspheres.

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Prof. Ramani, Radhakrishna, Dr.Angadi, Dr.Devaraju Synthesis Of Nano Bismuth Ferrite Multiferroics By Microcontroller Based Thermogravimetric Analyzer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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