Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015


Shikha Patheja

Abstract :

 History is witness that there have always been informers who reveal inside information to others. Ancient Greeks talked about whistleblowing centuries before. Lykourgos, the Athenian orator, in his speech against Leokratis said: neither laws nor judges can ing any results, unless someone denounces the wrongdoers. The term whistleblowing probably arises by analogy with the referee or umpire who draws public attention to a foul in a game by blowing of the whistle which would alert both the law enforcement officers and the general public of danger. The term ‘whistle–blowing’ is a relatively recent entry into the vocabulary of public and corporate affairs although the phenomenon itself is not new. This paper tries to find know about the concept of whistle blowers and provisions related to them. It focus on the protection of whistle blowers.

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SHIKHA PATHEJA System of Whistle Blowing in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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