Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
The Evaluation of SIRS SCORE on Admission and Initial concentration of Interleukin–6 as predictors of severe acute pancreatitis
Dr. Vijayanand Reddy R, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. Shivakumar. S, Dr. Divakar S. R
Abstract :
Background: During the past 20 years many attempts have been made to create scoring systems and laboratory markers for early severity assessment of acute pancreatitis in low socioeconomic group patients , but the methods available are generally considered unsatisfactory. There seems to be therapeutic window within the first 48 h, when specific treatment alternatives may alter the patients’ outcome. Good results have been obtained with early management of these patients. An ideal scoring system and laboratory assay in the evaluation of a patient with acute pancreatitis should provide an early severity assessment to facilitate the appropriate treatment modalities. Further, it should be applicable in the clinical setting, be rapid, low cost, accurate and available on a 24–hour basis. With this aim we evaluated the use SIRS score and IL–6 for predicting severity of acute pancreatitis Methods: SIRS scoring system and serum concentration of IL –6 was evaluated for 30 patients with diagnosis of acute pancreatitis at time of admission. These 30 patients were divided into 2 groups– mild and severe pancreatitis depending on presence of organ failure and/or local complications such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst. Correlation between sirs score and IL–6 levels and its role in predicting severity of pancreatitis was evaluated Results: Thirty–patients with acute pancreatitis admitted to our hospital between December 2012 to October 2013 were studied, 12 mildgroup patients and 18 severe–group patients. SIRS score for severe form was more than 2 while mild form had score < 2. Serum concentrations of IL–6 was highly significantly different(p < 0.005) between the severe group and the mild group on the day of admission.even SIRS score and IL–6 levels showed significant correlation with severity pancretitis. Conclusion: The simple SIRS scoring system and serum concentration of IL–6 on the day of admission are useful for early prediction of the severity of acute pancreatitis
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.Vijayanand Reddy, Dr.N.Ravishankar, Dr.Shivakumar.S, Dr.Diwakar.S.R The Evaluation of SIRS SCORE on Admission
and Initial concentration of Interleukin‾6 as predictors of severe acute pancreatitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015
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Dr.Vijayanand Reddy, Dr.N.Ravishankar, Dr.Shivakumar.S, Dr.Diwakar.S.R The Evaluation of SIRS SCORE on Admission and Initial concentration of Interleukin‾6 as predictors of severe acute pancreatitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015
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