Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Higher Education

Dr. Y. Rajasekhar

Abstract :

Since time immemorial, education has been an important instrument for social and economic transformation. In this era of globalization and hyper–competition, there is a need for a transformation in the higher education that will help to make the learning that is imparted current and relevant. It is indeed a commonly agreed and accepted priority that Higher Education in India, which is a traditionally managed, lacking relevant and quality education, needs total revamping. The true revolution in higher education will come from its digitization. During the past few decades, ICT has provided society with a vast array of new communication capabilities and has fundamentally changed the way life now. In the current environment–conscious world, the importance of education and acceptability of ICT as a social necessity has been increasing. Social acceptability of information and communication tools is necessary to improve the mobility in the society and increase the pitch for equity and social justice. Education as a qualitative development is not confined within the classroom structure. In India, within education in general and higher education in particular, ICT has begun to have a presence, but the impact has not been as extensive as in other fields. Experiments and experiences show that there are three oad dimensions to achieve optimally ICT integrated higher education, namely, Percolation ICT culture in higher education; The growth and development of ICT literacy and skill; and ICT supported higher educational management. This paper throws more light on impacts of ICT in higher education system, explores potential future developments and suggests adoption of suitable strategies

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Dr. Y. Rajasekhar The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Higher Education International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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