Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Third Head of Biceps Brachii in a Female Cadaver–A Case Report.

Dr. Ashwini M Mutalik

Abstract :

Supernumerary heads of biceps achii are very common. We encountered supernumerary head of bicep achii

in a female cadaver during routine dissection. It originated from the tip of coracoids process by a thin tendinous form
and medial to the main bicep achii muscle and got inserted into the medial intermuscular septum and medial epicondyle. Such variations
may cause compression of neuro vascular structures hence these facts are not only important to anatomist but also for orthopedic and plastic

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Dr.Ashwini M Mutalik Third Head of Biceps Brachii in a Female Cadaver–A Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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