Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

To Assess Anxiety and Depression in Patients undergoing maintenance Haemodialysis

Arya Jith, K. Sreekumar, Chitra Venkateswaran

Abstract :



Chronic Kidney Disease has been increasing worldwide, so is the number of patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis. They have a higher prevalence of psychiatric co morbidities like depression and anxiety. However these problems remain undiagnosed and under treated. This study aim was to assess anxiety and depression in patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis and also to assess the socio demographic variables.




This cross–sectional study enrolled 110 patients >18 years on maintenance haemodialysis. Their symptoms was assessed using Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and other psychiatric co morbidities was assessed using M.I.N.I International Neuropsychiatric interview. Socio demographic data was also collected.

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Of 110 subjects 61.8 % had depressive symptoms and 54.5 % had anxiety symptoms. Depression and anxiety was significantly associated with abnormal BMI. In multivariate logistic regression depression was statistically associated with female sex and lower number of haemodialysis. It was also found that depressive symptoms were common in patients whose number of haemodialysis was lower. It was also found that suicidality was associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms.




Depression and anxiety symptoms are common in patients undergoing Haemodialysis. They are all the cause of increase in suicidality in these patients. It was also found that female sex and patients who had lesser number of haemodialysis sessions have more depression and anxiety symptoms.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Arya Jith, K.Sreekumar, Chitra Venkateswaran, To Assess Anxiety and Depression in Patients undergoing maintenance Haemodialysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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