Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

TRISS score A guide for survival in trauma patients

Bhawan Nangarwal, Devender Chaudhary, Vikas Verma, Pradeep Garg, Rajesh Godara

Abstract :

 India is rapidly developing and is currently one of countries with the fastest growing economy in the world. Due to the rapid economic transition, there is an increase in number of automobiles in the road and rapid increase in RTA. One person die every four minutes in India Each day 400 people die due to RTA. There are so many injury scores has been developed but among them only few were able to come in practice. Among them TRISS score has shown promising results in predicting survival of trauma patients. In 1981, the Trauma Score Injury Severity Score (TRISS) was introduced as an instrument to identify trauma patients with unexpected outcome and to compare patient outcomes among institutions. TRISS combines an anatomic scoring system, the Injury Severity Scale (ISS) and a physiologic scoring system, the Revised Trauma Score (RTS), as well as age and mechanism of injury, to calculate the individual patient probability of survival.

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Bhawan Nangarwal, Devender Chaudhary, Vikas Verma, Pradeep Garg, Rajesh Godara, TRISS score A guide for survival in trauma patients, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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