Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012

Use and Awarness of U.G.C. Infonet Consortia on The Users of Ranchi University Ranchi in the Region of Eastern India: A Study

Bal Ram, Dr. Bhaskar Karn

Abstract :

Now day’s electronic resources are becoming more prevalent as well as easy to use and consistent also. The electronic resources make the e-learning operative which advances the attention among the students as well as staff and encourage them for the independent learning. This paper discusses the awareness and utilization of e-Resources and UGC Infonet consortium in the users of Ranchi University Ranchi concept of e-resources apart from that this paper also covers the Consortium in Indian context in ief. Today the value of Information and users need have increased enormously so much. No single publisher or institute fulfil their needs.

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Bal Ram, Dr. Bhaskar Karn Use and Awarness of U.G.C. Infonet Consortia on The Users of Ranchi University Ranchi in the Region of Eastern India: A Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012

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