Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Variation in Branching Pattern of Coronary Arteries

Padmashree Chougule, Dr. Nazmeen Silotry, Dr. Lalita Chavan

Abstract :

The present study gives knowledge of the morphological characteristics and its variation in anching pattern of coronary arteries. The study was carried out on 50 formalin fixed adult human cadaveric hearts of both sexes, were collected from the department of Anatomy. The coronary arteries and their anches were carefully dissected out and followed till their termination .The result of the present study is the right coronary ostium is present in all specimens in the right anterior aortic sinus. SANA was found originating from RCA in 80%, from both (Rt.and Lt.) in 10% , from LCA 10%.LCA in present study we got bifurcation in 35% and trifurcation in 15% out of 50 samples & termination of LCA got at different level . PIVA arise from RCA in 80 % and LCA in 20 %. This study is important for the interpretation of coronary angiography and surgical myocardial revascularization.

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Padmashree Chougule, Dr. Nazmeen Silotry, Dr. Lalita Chavan Variation in Branching Pattern of Coronary Arteries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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