IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-7-5-15378 Original Research Paper STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING SEROLOGICAL TESTING OF CADAVERIC DONOR CORNEA IN A TERTIARY HOSPITAL IN WESTERN INDIA Devdatta J Gohel Dr. Dr. Dhananjay A Bhosale Dr. May 2018 7 5 01 02 ABSTRACT

Background– The purpose of this study was to know the factors affecting serological testing of cadaveric donor cornea in atertiary care centre in western India.

Methods–An observational cross sectional studywas done for the period December 2014– December 2016. Variables studied included donor demographics (age, gender), cause& time of death of donor, macroscopic appearance of blood sample, and details of discarded tissues. Serological examination of blood was performed for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, venereal disease research laboratory, and serology reports reactive or nonreactive were analyzed.

Results– During this study period, 200 corneal tissues were retrieved from 100 donors (male:female= 33:17). Most common age group of donors belonged to 70–79 year age group. The most common cause of death was cardiorespiratory arrest 63%. Macroscopically, sera were normal in 95% cases. Among 100 donors, 90% were nonreactive, 2% donors were found to be reactive to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and 1% was reactive to HCV.  7% donors‘ sera were not fit for serological testing. Among all donors, 90% donors were accepted and 10% were rejected on the basis of serological testing. Cause of death and macroscopic aspect of sera influenced the serological results in a highly significant manner.

Conclusion– Macroscopic aspect of sera along with cause of death of the donor corneas play a vital role in corneal utility. Special care has to be taken by the enucleator as there is a significant risk of transmission.