IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-2-17992 Original Research Paper INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS BEHAVIOURAL MODULATORS ON EXERCISE BEHAVIOUR IN DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS, GENDERS AND PROFESSIONS Priya R. Mardikar Dr. Dr. Varsha S. Sarode Dr. February 2019 8 2 01 02 ABSTRACT

 Background: Exercise is an effective adjuvant to medical management in prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases. Knowledge, Motivation and Attitude, the modulators of behaviour have shown to influence the compliance for exercise. Dominance of these modulators on positive and negative exercise behaviour may be influenced by age, gender and profession.  

Aim: The present study explores the influence of these modulators on exercise behaviour. Method: 342 individuals were divided into three age groups as Group I (16–20 years; n=181), Group II (21–50 years; n=126) and Group III (50 years onwards; n=35), Males (n=192) and Females (n=150). Group II was subdivided as medical professionals (n=67) and other professionals (n=59). The volunteers’ filled the 43 item KAM Questionnaire.

Results: Behavioural modulators like knowledge, attitude and motivation vary with Age , gender and profession ( p –value <0.01)

Conclusion: Behavioural modulators affect exercise behaviour, however motivation and attitude for exercise outweighs the knowledge.