IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-2-18119 Original Research Paper ROLE OF NERVE CONDUCTION STUDY IN TRAUMATIC AXILLARY AND MEDIAN NERVE INJURIES -AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY KOCHHAR Dr. DR.MANJEET SINGH Dr. DR.HARISH.V.K.RATNA Dr. February 2019 8 2 01 02 ABSTRACT

 INTRODUCTION NCS involves the application of a Depolarising square wave electrical pulses to the skin over a peripheral nerve producing: (1) a propagated nerve action potential (NAP) recorded at a distant point over the same nerve and (2) a compound muscle action potential (CMAP) arising from the activation of muscle fibres in a target muscle supplied by the nerve. In both cases these may be recorded with surface or needle electrodes. Surface electrodes are designed to give information about the whole of a muscle stimulated, giving data for the time taken for the fastest axons to conduct an impulse to the muscle and the size of the response.CONCLUSION The data was assessed, analyzed, evaluated and the following conclusions were made– In patients who presented Early to the hospital, and NCS was done at 3 weeks had Better outcome by both Conservative and Surgical means whereas in those who presented late to the hospital, and NCS was done at 6 weeks, had a poor prognosis compared to patients in whom NCS was done at 3 weeks. Thus, Early NCS, plays a greater role in outcome and Based on the NCS report, Management of Nerve injuries (Conservative/Surgical) can be planned