IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-8-11-23082 Original Research Paper A study of use of DMPA (injectable contraceptive) in postpartum and postabortal patients. Abhipsa Patel Dr. Dr Megha S Patel Dr. November 2019 8 11 01 02 ABSTRACT

Background: Injectable depot–medroxyprogesterone acetate is a progestin–only, long acting contraceptive. It is proved safe, effective, reversible and acceptable. Aims and Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of DMPA in postabortal and postpartum patients. To study clinical presentation,outcome and side–effects of DMPA in postabortal and postpartum patients. Materials and method: The type of study was prospective, interventional and a single centered study conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at L G Hospital, Maninagar, Ahmedabad. Study group received Inj. DMPA 150 mg intra muscularly immediately after abortion or delivery before discharge from hospital (Day 2 to 7 of their delivery). They were given DMPA every 3 months. Results: In present study, Out of 90 patients, 50 patients (55.55%) took injection post–delivery and 40 patients (44.44%) took it post abortion. Irregular bleeding was major side effect seen in 55 patients (61.11%), amenorrhea seen in 26 (29%) patients, weight gain noted in 3 patients over 1 year. Other side effects were headache, backache, dyspareunia, erythema nodosum noted in 5 patients. In post–partum women, lactation remained unaffected. Conclusion: Patients prefer DMPA because it is non–coitus dependent, effective, long acting and other non–contraceptive benefits. No effect on lactation. The return of fertility takes 7–10 months from date of last injection, but it is completely reversible.