Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Comparative analysis of efficacy of different calibre of DJ stent in relation to urinary tract symptoms.

Neeraj Agarwal, Ashish Gupta, S S Yadav, Shivam Priyadarshi, R D Sahu

Abstract :


INTRODUCTION: ureteral stents (DJ) stents are integral part of endourology  but they are not free from side effect.1 These symptoms are largely due  to bladder irritation caused by stent.2 We report our experience on the evaluation of symptoms related to indwelling DJ  stents and their impact on various urinary symptoms, based on different stent calie, using a validated stent symptom specific questionnaire3.

METHODS: A total of 150 patients divided in three groups (50 each) were evaluated using 4Fr, 5Fr and 6Fr DJ stent at 7th day post op, at 21st day and at 28th day(7 days after DJ removal) using USSQ score.

RESULTS: At 7th day we found urinary, pain, general and accessory symptoms were significantly lower in 4 Fr group. However no significant difference was seen between 5 and 6 Fr group. At 21st day tolerance developed in almost all domains with significant difference only in pain and general symptoms, both being higher in 6Fr group. 7 days after removal of DJ stent symptom score continue to fall in all the groups. Where urinary and accessory symptoms were least in 4 Fr group there was greatest fall of pain scores in 6 Fr group, probably because of maximum relief in larger calie group.

CONCLUSION: Ours is the 1st study to compare three different stent sizes including 4 Fr calie with USSQ scores not widely different but were statistically significant, so we recommend use of smaller calie stent wherever possible.

Keywords :

DJ stent   endourology   USSQ score  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Neeraj Agarwal, Ashish Gupta, S S Yadav, Shivam Priyadarshi, R D Sahu, Comparative analysis of efficacy of different calibre of DJ stent in relation to urinary tract symptoms., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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