Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Ecocriticism: the Theory and an Application

Arindam Ghosh

Abstract :

Ecocriticism is a anch of interdisciplinary literary study which explores the relationship between literature and the environment. It approaches literature from a nature–centric perspective. It re–examines human culture from ecocentric point of view. Its goals are to promote ecological consciousness and to avert man from his destructive ways. It seeks to preserve nature by affecting man’s psyche. Glotfelty and Fromm provided the basic definition. Ecocriticism is mainly American movement. Its British variant is known as Green Studies. While the American version is celeatory, the British version is minatory. After establishing the theory a poem by Ted Hughes is taken in order to explicate ecological parameters. The poem “Hawk Roosting” appears anti–romantic and realistic. It depicts a forest food chain in which the ferocious bird claims superiority. Through the bird the poet explains the ways of nature. In nature life survives by killing life. The bird’s sprit is the elan vital of nature which stands starkly opposite to the human world.

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Arindam Ghosh, Ecocriticism: the Theory and an Application, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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