Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among health care professionals in tertiary care hospital And medical college

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Modi

Abstract :

Pharmacovigilance science came in light after the so–called thalidomide tragedy in 1960. In India National Pharmacovigilance Programme (NPP) started after a long gape in 2004. In most of the world Pharmacovigilance is still in initial stage. According to WHO, Pharmacovigilance is a science deals with detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug–related problems. In our institute it is observed that most of healthcare professionals lack knowledge about pharmacovigilance. This study shows poor knowledge, attitude and practices of pharmacovigilance among medical professionals so there is urgent need to improve the awareness of Pharmacovigilance among the healthcare professionals.

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Dr. Pankaj Kumar Modi, Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among health care professionals in tertiary care hospital And medical college, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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