Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

A rare case of neurofibroma present since birth.

Zahid M. Khan, Abhishek Verma

Abstract :

 Neurofiomas  are  benign  spindle  cell  tumour  of  peripheral  nerve  sheath  origin. They  are composed  of  Schwann  cells,  stromal  mucosubstances,  mast cells,  Wagner-Meissner corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles,  axons,  fioblasts  and  collagen.  It  occurs  mostly  between  the  second  and   third  decade  of  life  and  are  very  rare  in  infants  and  children.  In  head  and  neck  about  25 %  of  all  neurofiomatosis (NF)  are  seen.  We  here  report  a  rare  case  of  neurofioma  in  an  one  year  old  male   infant  who  had  swelling  in  the  nape  of  neck  more  on  right  side  since  birth  which  was  gradually  increasing  in  size.  He  was  operated  for  the  same  and  had  no  evidence  of  recurrence.

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Zahid M. Khan, Abhishek Verma, A rare case of neurofibroma present since birth., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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