Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

A Study of Views on Commerce Education by the Principals of Commerce Colleges in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra State.

Prof. Hanee S. Vinchu

Abstract :

 Ratnagiri is a coastal district belonging to Konkan region of Maharashtra state, situated on the western coast of India. It has north-south length of about 180 kms and average east-west extension of about 64 kms. Sahyadri hills surround it in the east beyond which there are Satara, Sangli and Kolhapur districts, Raigad district in the north, the Arabian Sea in the west and Sindhudurg district in the south. The district comprises of 9 tehsils/talukas. Presently there are 21 UG level Commerce colleges in the district. In the recent past, student enrollment for Commerce faculty has increased drastically. But the commerce education is not yet developed to suit the business needs here and globally too. It lacks practical approach to the business environment. Also, use of ICT in Commerce education is hardly seen in real sense amongst the colleges in Ratnagiri district. Hence there is an urgent need to idge the gap between Commerce education and its employability to avoid educated unemployment problem in the near future

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Prof. Hanee S. Vinchu A Study of Views on Commerce Education by the Principals of Commerce Colleges in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra State. Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 | September 2016

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