Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
Dr. Ashok Pawar, Sukeshni Jadhav, Indal Jadhao, Savita Kulkarni
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;The advancement, development and empowerment of women. The policy will be widely disseminated so as to&nbsp;</p> <div>encourage active participation of all stakeholders for achieving its goals. Creating an environment through positive,&nbsp;</div> <div>economic and social polities for full development of women to enable them to realize their full potential equal access&nbsp;</div> <div>to participation and decision making of women in social, political and economic life of the nation. The Mexico plan of Action 1975 the Nairobi&nbsp;</div> <div>forward cooking strategies 1985 the Beijing Declaration as well as the platform for Action 1995 and the outcome document adopted by the&nbsp;</div> <div>UNGA session on Gender requite and Development and peace for the 21st century titled further actions and initiatives to implement th Bejing&nbsp;</div> <div>Declaration and the platform for action Have been unreaservally endorsed by India for appropriate follow up.&nbsp;</div>
Keywords :
National perspective plan for women 1988 to 2000 Non – formal Education programme personal laws Rajya Sabha passes womens Reservation Bill.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Ashok Pawar, Sukeshni Jadhav, Indal Jadhao, Savita Kulkarni A STUDY OF WOMEN EPOWERMENT : ISSUS AND CHANLLENGES Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015
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Dr. Ashok Pawar, Sukeshni Jadhav, Indal Jadhao, Savita Kulkarni A STUDY OF WOMEN EPOWERMENT : ISSUS AND CHANLLENGES Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015