Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Children who underwent Surgical Correction for Orofacial Clefts in South India: A Retrospective Study

Dr. Sumita Shankar, Dr. Ravi Shankar Ayyanar, Dr. Basava Malleswara Rao V, Dr. B. Manaswitha, B. Vamsi Krishna

Abstract :

 The Orofacial clefts(OFC) are described as a range of abnormalities that are seen in the newborn infants. The OFC usually involves the structures around the oral cavity which sometimes extend to facial structures that results in oral, facial and craniofacial deformities. Hence the management of this condition is important not just as an aesthetic aspect but also as a psychosocially stigmatized condition as it affects the mastication, ventilation, phonation and heå of an individual.

Aim and Objective

To assess the epidemiological distribution of OFC and utilisation of Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Scheme for OFC Surgeries in Andhra Pradesh.

Materials and methods

This was a retrospective study based on three years data of patients undergoing plastic surgery for CL/P under Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva scheme in Andhra Pradesh. Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Trust maintains an electronic database of all patients who underwent treatment for different conditions of which only the data related to patients utilising these services for cleft lip with or without palate has been retrieved for analysis. Data was analysed by Descriptive statistics on Microsoft Excel 2016. The frequency distribution of patients according to age, gender, type of cleft and treatment provided was done.




The cases of CL/P were 629 out of these 353(56.12%) were male and 276(43.88%) were females. The majority (58.19%)of the subjects were using public healthcare facility to use the scheme whereas 41.81% of the participants preferred private healthcare facilities. In case of distribution of age at surgery among the subjects, the majority (292) were found to be below one year of age.


The condition of cleft lip with or without palate is a congenital birth deformity which requires treatment at the right age and right time as it may affect the development of a child. Awareness should be created among people about the risk factors of the condition.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr. Sumita Shankar, Dr. Ravi Shankar Ayyanar, Dr. Basava Malleswara Rao V, Dr.B.Manaswitha, B.Vamsi Krishna, Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Children who underwent Surgical Correction for Orofacial Clefts in South India: A Retrospective Study, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-11, NOVEMBER-2017

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