Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Development of Education in Travancore, Cochin and Malabar Regions of Kerala State, India

Nithya N. R

Abstract :

The present paper is an attempt to analyze development of education in the three princely states of Kerala state, Travancore, Cochin and Malabar region. Kerala’s achievements in the field of education – near total literacy, free and universal primary education, low dropout rate at the school level, easy access to educational institutions, gender equality in access etc. – are well known. The evolution of education in general, sand higher education in particular was greatly due to the influence of western education introduced by the missionaries and the progressive rulers of the native states – Travancore and Cochin.

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Nithya N.R / Development of Education in Travancore, Cochin and Malabar Regions of Kerala State, India / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:8 August 2013

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