Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Distribution of Fingerprint Patterns among First Year Medical Students in SKIMS medical college

Dr Sajad Hamid, Dr Ashfaq Ul Hassan, Dr Mubeen Rashid, Dr. Manmeet Kaur, Dr. Saba Yasin, Dr. Rohul Afza Kaloo

Abstract :

<p> INTRODUCTION: Fingerprints are one of the most mature biometric technologies and are considered legitimate proofs of evidence in courts of law for human identification all over the world as they are constant and individualistic AIM:There is relatively less research has been done in this field . Hence, the present study was done to see the pattern of fingerprints among first year medical students METHODS: Study was carried out among 100 first year medical students (50 male & 50 female) belonging to the age group 17-24 years of SKIMS medical college bemina. Fingerprints of the fingertips were taken using the ink method. Distribution of fingerprint patterns were studied in both hands among males and females and compared. RESULTS: Each finger print is unique; loops are the most commonly occurring fingerprint pattern while arches are the least common. Frequency of whorls is comparatively higher and that of loops lower CONCLUSION: Thus while different patterns show preferences for different digits, bilateral</p>

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Dr Sajad Hamid, Dr Ashfaq ul Hassan, Dr Mubeen Rashid, Dr. Manmeet Kaur, Dr. Saba Yasin, Dr.Rohul afza Kaloo Distribution of Fingerprint Patterns among First Year Medical Students in SKIMS medical college Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issu

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